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Somewhere on the way, people started buying into the notion that a unique backstory gives someone’s music some sort of credibility. I am convinced that this is not how music works. 


Art that moves someone can come from anyone. I could get a writer to make legend of the mystical wisdom I gained while enduring the struggles of a due-paying musician. Instead, I’m going to say that everyone is badass. I believe that our pasts have less to do with who we are than what we bring to the table.


What our pasts might do is help us relate. Everyone has a story and I guarantee you that you and I have experienced the same emotions through our own losses and triumphs. Life is a roller coaster no matter who you are and where you’re from.


Knowing my history can’t actually make my music better to you. Your history makes my music what it will or won’t be to you. So thanks for listening. I hope what I bring to the table means something to somebody. And I hope the same for you. This is the place from which I write.


Madluv and gratitude. - Lee


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